The futures commission merchant shall immediately cease accepting new orders from the institutional investor, except for purposes of disposing of existing positions, and shall cancel the account after its claims and liabilities have been settled. 除为处理原有部位外,期货商应立即停止收受其新增委托单,并于其债权债务结清后,予以销户。
Together, those factors are likely to push up the price at which long-term uranium supply contracts, which account for the large majority of trade in the commodity, are settled, analysts and industry executives say. 分析师和行业高管表示,这些因素综合起来,可能推高铀长期供应合约的结算价格。铀交易的大多数合约为长约。
An account with a securities brokerage whose transactions are settled on a cash basis. You cannot make a good deal with a bad person. 有证券经纪人的账户他们的交易用现金完成。和一个道德品质败坏的人,无法完成一桩好交易。
Perhaps you have overlook the fact that your account for august purchases have not yet is settled. 也许是您忽视了8月份的购货帐目尚未结清这回事。
When there is such freedom, and if the two parties to the current account transaction agree, the transaction can be priced and settled in the currency they both prefer. 若能有这样的自由选择而经常项目交易的双方又同意的话,交易便可以两者所选的货币来定价及结算。
Deng ordered the leaders of the Hong merchants to clear the account with the British, and after a protracted dispute they settled on a scheme for paying off the debts. 邓廷桢命行商首领会同英人清理债务,并在长时间的争执后确定了赔偿方案。
In the study of Administration, the theoretical research of administrative cost is a weak tache, and the problem in government administration that administrative cost becomes more high or administrator take no account of administrative cost in administrative policy-making course and executive course must be settled urgently. 在现今的行政学领域,行政成本研究是薄弱环节,政府行政管理中的行政成本过高或不计行政成本盲目决策、实施等已经成为亟待解决的问题。